The market report for August started on a very positive note as the Head of the Roses Department Ishai Sharon informs us. In his report, he confirms that the opening of auction sales in August has indeed started with impressive prices. The start of this month has finally given him hope and optimism that this projection is likely going to continue even in the coming weeks.
In his view, Ishai tells us, the most important reason for the market performing so well is the weather condition in Europe. In addition, the cold and cloudy weather in parts of Kenya and in Ethiopia have contributed to it.
The extreme July heatwave made it the worst July ever. In week 30 and 31, the roses prices were 25% higher compared to last year during the same period.

Ishai Sharon, Head of the Roses Department
Furthermore, Ishai notes, “The comfortable weather now being experienced in Europe is certainly expected to continue for at least two weeks.” He also adds, “The low supply of flowers from both Kenya and Ethiopia promises extremely good prices for them in the market.”
According to Ishai, the hot weather period had a negative impact on the market as it created a low supply of local Dutch flowers. However, the said problem only affected the Red and White Roses. “The fact that there were a lot of local flowers which were damaged will assist in pushing for higher demands for roses,” he adds.
Ishai expects people in Europe to slowly start coming back from vacation. “I believe, at the end of August and the beginning of September supplies will be substantial. This combined with the higher demand will result in keeping the prices stable.,” he predicts.
Ishai concludes by recommending that all growers should now start sending all flower lengths and he further emphasizes the need for extra attention being given to ensure the best quality is sent. He ends by wishing all growers the very best.