“In the first 3 weeks of August, the market was quite good and the total rose prices were about 25% higher than last year’s prices on the same period,” Head of the Roses Department, Ishai Sharon kicks off this week’s flower market review.

Ishai Sharon, Head of the Roses Department
Ishai continues to state that unfortunately from 23rd August until Wednesday 28th August, the weather will change dramatically and the temperatures will reach 30 degrees in a lot of parts in central Europe. From Thursday 29th August, the forecast shows that it will be once again cooler and cloudier.
“Unfortunately, we already see the effect of this phenomenon and the prices are going down,” Ishai points out. “We hope that the end of the vacations in Europe and the return of people back to their homes will help to keep the price on a higher level than today.”
According to Ishai, there is a big difference in prices between the lengths and some of the colours that are still keeping well. There is especially price pressure on the red colour.
“As usual we hope for a fast improvement in the market,” Ishai concludes.